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Gift reserved for readers of the book.
Write your awesome label here.
As I am French, I used an online translator. For this, please be indulgent about the level of translation and the mistakes. Thank you.
In addition to the information contained in our book "The Twin Flames: The Path of Transformation through a New Dimension of Love", we would like to offer you a complementary gift, reserved for the readers of the book.
We offer you:

✅ an exercise on painting on the cover of the French version of our book. The painting was made for us, for our couple. It is full of elements and symbols related to the relationship of the Twin Flames.

✅ An exercise you can do with the CLE Seal to connect with their energy and resonate with yours. Here is the link to download the Bonus: 

Thank you for your interest in this new dimension of Love.
Coeurdially ( Coeur in French = Heart )
Cordially from the Heart.
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